Our Brand

Apsor Angkor

We recognize that taste is a personal journey. Some crave the soft, aromatic allure of rice, while others seek the hearty, robust texture that speaks to their unique preferences. To embrace this rich tapestry of culinary desires, we've meticulously crafted a diverse array of rice products under various brands, each offering a distinct taste, flavor profile, texture, and fragrance.



Apsor Angkor Red is a brand of freshly harvested rice. Each grain boasts an elongated shape, contributing to its elegant appearance. When cooked, it maintains a delightful softness, offering a subtle sweetness and a pleasant stickiness that makes it perfect for a variety of dishes. The rice exudes a captivating fragrance reminiscent of jasmine blossoms. Its pristine white hue resembles a pearl. I highly recommend it for home consumption, especially in Asian-style cooking. After aging for at least 6 months, it becomes an ideal choice for preparing steamed rice or fried rice. 🍚🌾

Apsor Angkor Green


Apsor Angkor Green is a brand of rice that is harvested at least 4 months old. Each grain boasts an elongated shape, contributing to its elegant appearance. When cooked, it maintains a delightful softness, offering a subtle sweetness and a pleasant stickiness that makes it perfect for a variety of dishes. The rice exudes a captivating fragrance reminiscent of jasmine blossoms. Its pristine white hue resembles a pearl. I highly recommend it for commercial use, such as in restaurants, hotels, and catering services. 🍚🌾

Apsor Angkor Purple


Apsor Angkor Purple, marketed under the charming name Phka Knhey, is a medium-grain rice variety renowned for its pearly white endosperm that lends a touch of sophistication to its appearance. It offers a soft and adaptable texture, ensuring a pleasurable eating experience and making it an excellent accompaniment to a wide array of culinary creations. 🍚🌾

Apsor Angkor Teal


Apsor Angkor Teal is a brand of rice that is 75% broken. When cooked, it maintains a delightful softness, offering a subtle sweetness and a pleasant stickiness that makes it perfect for a variety of dishes. The rice exudes a captivating fragrance reminiscent of jasmine blossoms. Its pristine white hue resembles a pearl. I highly recommend it for home consumption, especially in Asian-style cooking. 🍚